PhD position available in subproject P1 (PI Andre Franke)
The Immunogenetics and Bioinformatics group of Prof. Andre Franke at the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology (IKMB), Kiel University, offers a PhD position limited for 4 years. The preferred starting date is July 1, 2024.
The position focuses on next-generation technologies for antigen discovery in chronic inflammatory diseases. This involves the development and application of bioinformatics tools for the analysis of genomic diversities of bacterial and fungal candidates and antibody specificities in IBD. To complete these studies and to investigate the interaction between the intestinal microbiome and the human host, advanced technologies for high-throughput sequence analysis will be employed. Overall, we aim to define the functional and causal relationships of autoimmune processes in IBD with a specific focus on microbial antigens, finally leading to the identification of therapeutic interventions.
Here you can find the original job offer.