Frontiers in Microbiome Research
At Frontiers in Microbiome Research, we are aiming at training promising PhD candidates via a highly integrative, interdisciplinary approach. Approximately 50 young researchers will convene to discuss and network with fellow students as well as high-ranking, established senior scientists in different fields of microbiome research in relation to metabolic and inflammatory diseases. Lectures as well as workshops, poster sessions and networking activities make up the programme of the course. We are optimistic that, of course, with a special hygiene concept, we will be able to proceed the summer school in presence.
Frontiers in Microbiome Research is jointly organised by Kiel University (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, CAU) with the Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation” (PMI) and the Research Unit miTarget, the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), and the Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA). The RTG 1743 is part of the organization team.
You find more information here.
Due to the limited number of seats, you are not guaranteed a seat until you receive an e-mail with final confirmation. You will initially be placed on a waiting list. To apply for a seat, you will have to submit an abstract, motivational letter, and CV.
Application deadline: May 15, 2022