Recent News
Precision Medicine: Kiel-based assistant physician awarded Else Kröner Memorial Fellowship
In the funded project, Dr. Florian Tran, clinician scientist at the Cluster of Excellence PMI, plans to use a new technology to detect individual signatures in intestinal tissue.
This is a great success for Dr. …read more
Awarded: Honorary doctorate for Jens Scholz and Stefan Schreiber
Two professors of medicine from Kiel, Stefan Schreiber from the Medical Faculty of Kiel University and Jens Scholz from the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) were awarded honorary doctorates on 28.6.2022. Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreiber received …read more
International Clinical Symposium of the Cluster of Excellence Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation, 01 – 02 July 2022, Kiel
At the International Clinical Symposium of the Cluster of Excellence Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI) 46 international experts discussed together with an audience (in person and online) of about 500 scientists the approaches for individual …read more
Publication prize for Konrad Aden
Dr. Konrad Aden, Senior Clinician Scientist at the Cluster of Excellence PMI and specialist in internal medicine in Kiel, has been awarded one of three publication prizes for 2022 by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation.
With …read more
Industrialisation and intestinal bacteria
The Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology welcomes Mathieu Groussin as newly appointed professor
»My research area is the human intestinal microbiome, i.e. all of the micro-organisms in the intestine. I am trying to understand how …read more
1st Retreat of the research unit miTarget
The 1st miTarget Retreat was held as a virtual event on April 28 and 29, 2022. After status presentations of the projects included in the research unit the participants had the opportunity to hear an …read more