
Dr. Ph. Daniel Unterweger

Phone: CAU Kiel +49(0)431-500-30312, MPI Plön +49(0)4522 763 344
Institute: Institute for Experimental Medicine (IEM) / Kiel University (CAU), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (MPI)
Address: Michaelisstr. 5, 24105 Kiel, Germany
Group: Evolutionary Medicine

Daniel Unterweger is a junior professor at Kiel University and principle investigator of project 10. His group specializes in bacterial genetics and uses state of the art imaging, mouse models and molecular methods to study bacterial evolution in the context of host health and disease.

Special fields:

  • Juniorprofessor for Intestinal Microbiology
  • Molecular Microbiology
  • Bacterial genetics
  • Evolutionary Medicine
  • Microbiome

Participating Institutes