6.1 million euros for “miTarget” – DFG extends funding for another 4 years

Following a positive on-site review in December 2023, the DFG finally announced its decision on March 25, 2024: miTarget will be funded for another four years with a total of almost 6.1 million euros.
After a very successful first funding phase, “miTarget” is now coming up with new innovative projects that build on the success of the first four years. In the second phase, research work will focus on the mechanistic validation of previous findings and their translation into clinical practice. Involved are mainly scientists from the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology and the Institute of Experimental Medicine at Kiel University as well as the Max Planck Institute in Plön and the Helmholtz Zentrum München.
You can find the original press release here. Further information can also be found in the PMI press release.