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Berchtesgaden Microbiome Science Days 2022
Microbiome Summit Meeting in the Alps
Once again, with the strong participation of the IKMB, the 6th annual symposium Berchtesgaden Microbiome Science Days (BMSD) took place.
The role of the microbiome in complex chronic diseases …read more
Large-scale study finds ten new risk genes for Crohn’s disease
The results of the international study point to a previously unknown process in the development of this chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
The special features of the study are its size as well as its methodological …read more
Training in molecular cloning at the University of Lübeck
An experience report by Aya Mahdy, doctoral researcher at the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology
I am currently working on phage immunoprecipitation sequencing’ (PhIP-Seq) for high-throughput immunological fingerprinting in inflammatory bowel diseases to develop a …read more
Report on DAAD Rise Scholarship Summer 2022
Internship: Investigating the functional potential of single bacterial isolates in the context of inflammatory bowel disease: Broad insights into the phenotypical characterisation of the beneficial gut bacterium B. longum
I applied for the DAAD Rise …read more
Individual genetics helps determine composition of the gut microbiome
CRC 1182-research team finds evidence in large genome study that points to genetics influencing the composition of an organism’s microbial colonization
Microorganisms are involved in nearly all biological processes on earth. As an important component …read more
Report on the Summer School “Frontiers in Microbiome Research 2022”
If you don’t recognize that the person sitting right across you in the public bus is a colleague of yours from the same research unit, even part of the same subproject, then it is time …read more